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Postdoc positions in the University of Texas at ... (No replies)
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Postdoc positions are available in the group led by Dr. Yuanyue Liu, who will join University of Texas-Austin this Fall as an assistant professor in Materials Science and Engineering.
The group will focus on materials theory and simulations (e.g. DFT, force field) for electronics, optoelectronics, and energy applications. More information can be found at
The candidates must have experience in topological materials or electronic/thermal transport simulations. Interested candidates please send their CV to [email protected], with the email title "current institute + xxx", where xxx = topological materials, electronic transport, and/or thermal transport.
The expected starting date is Fall 2017. Review of applications will begin immediately, and preference will be given to those who contact early.
We also welcome visiting students and scholars.
UT-Austin is ranked 9th "Best Engineering Graduate School" in US, and 30th "Best Global University" according to U.S. News & World Report. The city of Austin has a cluster of high-tech companies known as "Silicon Hills". The combination of cultural diversity, low cost of living, and economic growth makes Austin one of the best places for study and living.