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Postdoc positions in the Prendergast Group at Th ... (No replies)

7 years ago
dgprendergast 7 years ago

The Prendergast Group, at Berkeley Lab’s Molecular Foundry, has multiple postdoc opportunities related to the study of dynamics in complex materials. We are eager to recruit talented postdocs to work in the following areas:
1. Molecular dynamics and force-field development for heterogeneous systems
2. Materials and ion transport - adiabatic and non-adiabatic processes
3. Multiscale studies of condensed phase interfaces
4. Ultrafast electron dynamics and advanced quantum-chemistry method development
Our group excels in the development of computational methods that link theory and experiment - establishing or validating atomic and molecular scale mechanisms for observable phenomena. We welcome postdocs with a strong desire to collaborate with other groups while developing new approaches to explore complex materials and their electronic/atomic structure. We encourage applicants with a strong programming background and expertise in the use of high-performance computing to drive their research in combination with excellent presentation skills and a strong track record for publishing their research in peer-reviewed journals. Research applications in our group range across the fields of electrochemistry, electrical energy storage, solar harvesting, hydrogen storage, simulated X-ray spectroscopy, ultrafast electronic and chemical phenomena, and the structure and dynamics of hybrid (soft-hard, organic-inorganic, solid-liquid, etc.) material systems.
Candidates must have obtained a PhD in physics, chemistry or materials science (or a related discipline). Positions are available to be filled immediately. Please send your CV to [email protected]

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials