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Postdoc Positions in Materials Modelling at Pek ... (No replies)
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About the job
We are seeking a motivated postdoctoral scientist to work on the development and application of quantum Monte Carlo, density functional theory and other ab initio electronic structure methods for materials modelling. Depending on your skills, work could involve development of new theoretical approaches, or application of the state-of-the-art methods to material properties. We are interested in (but not limited to) modelling surfaces, interfaces, low-dimensional materials and defects in solids. The job requires the ability to work both independently and in collaboration with other researchers, including both theoreticians and experimentalists. Studies will be encouraged to be presented at international meetings and published in high profile journals. The team is a young and dynamic research group based at the institute of condensed matter and materials physics in school of physics, Peking University. We will provide enjoyable working environment and strong support for group member’s personal development. Computational resources are available with accesses to the supercomputing platform of Peking University and China’s national supercomputing centers.
More information about our team and researches can be found from our group page.
The position is open immediately and remains open until it is filled. The position is full-time for 12-24 months. The salary is negotiable and will be competitive.
How to apply
Email a CV, a cover letter and a list of references to Dr. Ji Chen ([email protected])
Qualifications for the Job
Preferred Skills