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Postdoc Positions in First-Principles Calculatio ... (No replies)
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The Condensed Matter and Materials Prediction Group at Guangdong University of Technology (GDUT), Guangzhou, China, is inviting applications for four postdoctoral positions, starting immediately and for the duration of 2 years with possible extension.
Project description (could select one or two directions)
Mainly used softwares, USPEX and VASP (or QE, or Abinit)
The candidates are required to have a PhD degree in physics, chemistry, material sciences or related areas. Experience on electronic structure theories (DFT and beyond), computational simulations of solids, and/or sampling methods (USPEX or similar packages and VASP) is preferred.
The accepted candidate should be able to communicate with project partners and write paper in English or Chinese.
Besides, those who have satisfied the conditions of the “Youth Programme” which is used to introduce excellent teachers have priorities to work in the university, enjoying the welfares of the program.
Interested applicants should send their CV, a letter of motivation, and the names and contact details of at least one academic referee, to Dr. Huafeng Dong ([email protected] ). The search is open until the positions are filled. Informal inquiry can be made by contacting Dr. Dong.
More information could be found: (中文)