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Postdoc positions in condensed matter theory at ... (No replies)

6 years ago
fpauly 6 years ago

There are several openings for postdoctoral researchers available in the newly established Quantum Transport and Electronic Structure Theory Unit (QTESTU) at Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST). We are looking for highly talented and motivated individuals in condensed matter physics. Work ongoing or planned is related to quantum transport of charge and heat, molecular electronics and nanoelectronics, nanoscale thermoelectricity and nanophononics, current-induced atomic motion, polaron transport, electronic correlations, superconductivity, magnetic nanostructures, excited states and hot carrier dynamics. We address these problems by using both analytical and numerical techniques of solid-state physics. Frequently, we model material-specific aspects through ab-initio electronic structure theory, in particular density functional theory and many-body perturbation theory. We actively develop electronic structure methods to make advances in the description of the systems and in the properties mentioned above. In addition, we pursue the general goal to close existing gaps between solid state and quantum chemistry communities. Beyond purely theoretical projects, the research unit maintains close collaborations with leading international groups in the respective research fields.

Further details on the positions:
Webpage of research unit:
Details about the university:


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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials