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Postdoc Positions in Computational Materials Ava ... (No replies)
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The Materials Modeling and Design Group at Westlake University (Hangzhou, China) invites applications for two postdoctoral positions. Led by Dr. Wenbin Li, we are a young, dynamic research group that aims to advance materials science by undertaking impactful research in the computational modeling and design of advanced functional materials.
One of the two postdoc positions will focus on first-principles modeling of chalcogenide materials for next-generation electronics and photonics. We seek candidates who have demonstrated expertise in first-principles modeling of electronic, optical, and/or transport properties of functional materials. The theme of the second postdoc position is more open-ended in nature. For this position, while having some experience in first-principles modeling is desirable, we are more looking for candidates who demonstrate creativity, out-of-the-box thinking, and enthusiasm for breaking disciplinary boundaries. Hence, candidates with backgrounds in all areas of computational science and engineering are encouraged to apply.
The appointed postdocs will work closely with the principal investigator and a group of talented graduate students. We value collegiality and strive to provide group members with strong support for personal and professional development.
Provided that satisfactory performance is maintained, these postdoc positions are renewable for at least two years. Salary is negotiable and will be highly competitive.
Interested candidates are encouraged to send their CV, representative publications, as well as a list of professional references through email to Dr. Wenbin Li ([email protected]). The positions will remain available until filled.
About Westlake University: Located in the picturesque city of Hangzhou near Shanghai, Westlake University ( is a new type of non-profit, international research university in China that aspires to advance the frontier of science and technology through world-class research and teaching. The university operates under international norms of governance. English is an official language of Westlake University.
About the group leader: Wenbin Li obtained his PhD in Materials Science and Engineering from MIT in 2015. Before joining Westlake University as an assistant professor, he was a Marie Curie Fellow at the University of Oxford. A list of his prior publications can be found from Google Scholar at