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PostDoc positions in computational materials are ... (No replies)

5 years ago
npucai 5 years ago

Description: Postdoc positions are available in the Dr. Yongqing Cai group at the Institute of Applied Physics and Materials Engineering (IAPME) at the University of Macau (UM) in the area of computational materials and physics. The goals are to develop fundamental understanding of phenomena at atomic scale, including electronic structure, optical properties, and phononic and thermal conductions by using quantum simulations. The candidate should have good publication record and obtain appropriate experience in materials simulation. Any programming experience (e.g. Python, Matlab, and FORTRAN) will be an advantage. The applicants with experience in the following topics are encouraged to apply:

  • Electronic materials for memory applications

  • Materials for energy storage

  • Phonons and phase transitions

Two types of Postdoctoral will be centrally funded by one of the following schemes under the UM Macao Talent Program:

a). UM Macao Postdoctoral Fellowship (Class A): Monthly remuneration of MOP40,000 (taxable). Annual conference and research related trips allowance of MOP20,000; Maximum contract period of 2 years.

b). UM Macao Postdoctoral Associateship (Class B): Monthly remuneration of MOP28,000 (taxable). Annual conference and research related trips allowance of MOP14,000, Maximum contract period of 2 years.

Remark:  1 MOP ~= 0.11 Euro; The UM Macao Postdoctoral Fellowship (Class A) applicants should graduate from top ranked universities or disciplines (i.e. Top 200 ranked universities listed in the THE/QS ranking Whether applicants will be awarded as Postdoctoral Fellowship (Class A) or Postdoctoral Associateship (Class B) is subject to the final decision by the UM Selection Panel.


For more information:

 Should you have any queries regarding the positions, please contact Dr. Yongqing Cai ([email protected]).


Brief introduction of Macau: Macau is an unique city in Asia due to its European-Chinese culture after more than 300 years governed under Portuguese Empire between 1557 to 1887. It is a city built up on successful East-West cultural pluralism, mutual respect and tolerance between different cultures and civilizations. Its value lies not only in the completeness of the architectural and urban infrastructures, but also in the fact that these have retained their original function and spirit to the present day. Macau has a humid subtropical climate, characteristic of southern China. The territory is dual season dominant – summer (May to September) and winter (November to February) are the longest seasons, while spring (March and April) and autumn (October) are relatively brief periods. For more information about Macau, please see

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials