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PostDoc positions in CNR: many-body theories and ... (No replies)

Andrea Marini
5 years ago
Andrea Marini 5 years ago

Research group: Division of Ultrafast Processes in Materials(FLASHit)

Positions: Three PostDoc positions: 2 for young and 1 for advanced researchers. All positions are for one year, renewable up to three years.

Where:  ISM@Milan Physics University and ISM@CNR-Rome

Description of the Group:

The Division of Ultrafast Processes in Materials (FLASHit) at CNR-ISM is an interdisciplinary laboratory created in the Institute for Material Science (ISM) of the National Research Council (CNR). In the FLASHit lab we use advanced equilibrium and non-equilibrium Many Body theories to describe the ultra-fast phenomena occurring in complex materials.

The FLASHit research span different areas of modern theoretical and computational physics:

  • the constant development and maintenance of the Yambo project. Yambo is a code to perform several ground and excited state  (equilibrium and out-of-equilibrium) calculations. For more informations we refer to the very recent paper about Yambo and to the Yambo web-page.

Yambo is an efficient and portable code that supports to the latest supercomputing architectures and benefits of a long-standing collaboration with parallel computing centers.  The yambo suite thus provides all the ingredients for an advanced and computationally powerful approach to theoretical and computational material science.

  • the device of new theories and algorithms using  equilibrium and non-equilibrium Many Body theories (Many Body Perturbation Theory, Non-Equilibrium Green’s function Theory, Static and Time dependent Density Functional Theory).
  • well established and new theories, coded in the Yambo code, allow us to simulate complex materials and interact with several experimental groups in the world (we currently have collaborations with leading experimental groups in Italy, France, Switzerland, Germany, Greece).

Description of the activity:

The candidate will work along the three research areas described above. In particular:

  • Optimization and coding of the Yambo code. (MAX)
  • Out-of-Equilibrium atomic motion: theory, coding and applications. (MAX - BIOX)
  • Modelization of pump and probe experiments in molecules, solids and nano-structures. (NFFA - BIOX)
  • Time-Resolved Magnetism. (NFFA)
  • Excitonic dynamics out-of-equilibrium. (Other)
  • Strongly correlated materials out-of-equilibrium: a generalized embedding technique. (Other)

How to apply:

All applications must be sent to [email protected] or [email protected] including:

  1. A cover letter.
  2. A full CV including contact details.
  3. 2 Reference letters or referee contacts

(if the candidate has less than 3 years experience from the PhD)

Deadline for applications: June 30th, 2019

Funding Projects: The positions are funded by three projects

Driving the Exascale transition (MaX)

Funding; EU, H2020

Period: 2018 - 2021


The activity will be carried on in collaboration with the CNR - NANO group and S3 university (Modena) and the team of the QE developers (Trieste). Moreover the developments connected to the Yambo Aiida plugin will be done in collaboration with the Aiida team (Lausanne)

Where: ISM@CNR-Rome

Nanoscience Foundries and Fine Analysis (NFFA)

Funding; EU, H2020

Period: 2016 - 2020


NFFA is a user infrastructure. The work will, therefore, consist simulations performed in a close interaction with users (mostly experimentalists). The work will be done mostly in Rome and, depending on the specific NFFA project, in collaboration with other NFFA partners.

Where: ISM@CNR-Rome.

Predicting and controlling the fate of bio-molecules driven by extreme-ultraviolet radiation (BIOX)

Funding: Miur, Prin 2017

Period: 2019 - 2022

Partners: Politecnico di Milano (Project leader), University of Naples, University of Roma Tor Vergata, ISM - CNR. There will be a close collaboration with the group in Tor Vergata (G. Stefanucci and E. Perfetto) and with the experimental lab in Milano.

Where: ISM@CNR-Rome or ISM@Milan Physics University.


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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials