Job announcements relevant to people interested in electronic structure calculations…
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Postdoc positions in ab initio transport calcula ... (1 reply)
Dear Dr. Wu Li,
I am Un-Gi Jong working at Kim Il Sung University and have PhD degree this year for ab initio modelling and simulation of perovskite solar cell materials. Recently I have published several papers including Inorg Chem, PRB, J Mater Chem A and so on. I am really interested in your postdoc position. May I apply to this position?
Un-Gi Jong
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Multiple two/three-year postdoc positions are available in the group of Dr. Wu Li ( ) in Institute for Advanced Study, Shenzhen University, China.
Candidates are expected to work on ab initio electrical/thermal/thermoelectric transport calculations on low-dimensional, thermoelectric, topological or other functional materials. Other research topics including physics related to electron-phonon coupling are also possible. Recent publications on these topics include
PRB 99, 020305 (R) (2019); PRB 97, 045201 (2018); PRB 97, 025207 (2018); PRB 99, 045201 (2019)
Applicants should hold a PhD in physics, material science, energy, chemistry or a related discipline. For application, please send CV with contact information of up to three references to [email protected]
Net income is 330-350K Yuan/year (~ 49-51K US$/year). Standard benefits including health insurance, pension and social security are provided. In addition, Shenzhen municipal government offers tax-free 1.6M (*) or 2M (#) RMB subsidy, distributed in 5 years, subject to qualifications.
*The applicant (Chinese only) is eligible for 1.6M subsidy if satisfying one of the following conditions
# The applicant (any nationality) is eligible for 2M subsidy if he/she has published at least one paper in journals with IF>=30 as the first author or corresponding author.