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Postdoc Positions in Ab Initio Simulation (No replies)
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Applications are invited for Postdoctoral Research Associate positions
which are available immediately or upon mutual agreement. She or he
will be involved in challenging projects using advanced ab initio
molecular dynamics simulation techniques. Topics include path integral
QM/MM simulations of biomolecular reactions, vibrational spectroscopy
of hydrogen-bonded liquids, and chemical reactions at water/solid
There are several openings for which consideration of candidates will
begin immediately and end when suitable candidates are found.
The Center for Theoretical Chemistry at RUB offers an exciting
interdisciplinary research environment and excellent facilities
including several in-house HPC platforms. Information on the techniques
used and developed at CTC are accessible via
or can be found in D. Marx and J. Hutter, Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics:
Basic Theory and Advanced Methods (Cambridge, 2009).
Candidates should have significant experiences in molecular
dynamics/electronic structure and a PhD in computational/theoretical
chemistry/physics. Candidates should send a two page resume including an
outline of their research expertise and achievements in relation to the
aforementioned topics with the usual material as a PDF file to:
Professor Dominik Marx
Lehrstuhl für Theoretische Chemie
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
44780 Bochum
[email protected]/
The Ruhr-Universität Bochum seeks to foster the careers of women,
especially in areas where they are underrepresented, and therefore
encourages applications of women in particular. Qualified disabled
candidates are explicitly invited to apply.
Consideration of candidates will begin immediately and continue until
the positions are filled.