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Postdoc positions at National University of Sing ... (No replies)
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Two Research Fellow positions are available in Prof. Jian-Sheng Wang's group at National University of Singapore. Research will be focusing on theoretical modeling of heat transfer in ultra near-field distances. At these short distances, the conduction and radiation happen simultaneously, thus new methodology is needed. The candidate is expected to have a good knowledge of nonequilibrium Green's function (NEGF) and the first-principles method (DFT), many-body theories such as GW method, as well as excellent analytical and computational skills (Fortran and MPI programming).
The appointment will be starting in January 2019 and initially for one year and can be extended up to three years.
The applicants should submit by email a complete curriculum vitae, and ask three letters of reference sent directly. Deadline, 30 Oct 2018.
Prof. Jian-Sheng Wang,
[email protected]
Department of Physics,
National University of Singapore,
2 Science Drive 3,
Singapore 117551
For more information, visit