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Postdoc Positions at Center for Molecular Magnet ... (No replies)

6 years ago
rhennig 6 years ago

Up to 9 postdoctoral positions (6 computation/theory and 3 experiment) are available immediately in the Center for Molecular Magnetic Quantum Materials (M2QM) at the University of Florida. The M2QM is a new Energy Frontier Research Center funded by the US Department of Energy. The center involves 12 investigators, Garnet Chan, Hai-Ping Cheng, George Christou, Art Hebard, Richard Hennig, Steve Hill, Talat Rahman, John Stanton, Neil Sullivan, Sam Trickey, Xiaoguang Zhang, Vivien Zapf, at 4 universities (Univ. of Florida, Cal. Tech., Florida State Univ., Univ. of Central Florida) and 2 national laboratories (Los Alamos National Laboratory, National High Magnetic Field Lab).

The M2QM focuses on the science of molecule-based magnetic systems as the basis for the next generations of quantum technologies, ranging from the synthesis and characterization of these emergent new materials to the systematic computational understanding of their many-body quantum behavior. The M2QM concentrates on fundamental scientific problems related to two technological challenges: (i) How to create qubits for intrinsically quantum computing, and (ii) how to replace elements of traditional computers and sensors with inherently quantum, molecule-based, devices that are energy efficient as well as fast and adaptive. In this setting, reliable, swift, all-electron calculations of magnetically complex materials are crucial.

Successful candidates will work on:


(1) Spin-dependent electron transport through magnetic molecules, molecular networks, and molecule-semiconductor interfaces using DFT-based methods. Experience with using both DFT and semiclassical methods is a plus.

(2) Development and implementation of algorithms to model adiabatic and nonadiabatic spin-phonon interactions within the framework of DFT and comparison with high precision quantum chemistry methods. Experience with DFT and quantum chemistry simulation of electron-phonon coupling preferred.

(3) Development of the Exciting-Plus full-potential LAPW code. This will include the implementation of iterative eigenvalue solver and selected DFT functionals, testing, and validation of new techniques. Experience with FLAPW code development (e.g., ELK) is valuable.

(4) High throughput first-principles, semi-empirical, and classical calculations of magnetic molecules on surfaces and interfaces. Experience with the development and application of high-throughput DFT simulations and machine learning is desired.

(5) First-principles calculations of molecular magnetic systems. Extensive experience in DFT applications including Wannier and downfolding procedures, first-principles based many-body methods (GW, DMFT, high-level quantum chemistry) is desired. This is a research scientist position, and will also have 5-10% of responsibility working as a scientific coordinator.

(6) Radiation-induced defects in 2D materials. This will involve the application of DFT methods to describe the energetics, diffusion, and electronic properties of defects in 2D metals and semiconductors. This position is closely related to the Center activity in the area of computational/theoretical materials research and is funded by a separate experiment/theory project.


(1) Synthesis and study of various molecule-based magnetic materials of transition metals and lanthanides, including oligomers formed by hydrogen-bonding or covalently-bound linkers. Experience in synthetic metal-oxo coordination chemistry and supramolecular chemistry would be preferred, as well as experience with techniques such as SQUID magnetometry and electrochemistry.

(2) NMR studies of molecular magnetic materials at low temperatures, including nonequilibrium dynamics of exotic quantum magnets. Experience in low-temperature techniques and modern NMR methods is desired.

(3) Fabrication and characterization of thin films and thin-film heterostructures incorporating chemically fragile magnetic molecules into the interface regions of heterogeneous junctions comprising semiconductors and two-dimensional layered materials. Experience with clean room protocols and exfoliation techniques together with measurement techniques including X-ray diffraction, scanning probe microscopies, magnetotransport, magnetocapacitance, magnetization, tunneling, and Schottky barriers is desired. (This position will open in summer 2019)

These positions are tenable for up to three years depending upon significant achievement and mutual interest. All postdoc and research scientists are expected to interact with other members including students in the M2QM center.

Interested, well-qualified candidates should send emails to [email protected]
as soon as possible. Provide a full curriculum vitae (including publications) and contact information for three (3) references. Please also indicate the position number(s) of interest as listed above.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials