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Postdoc positions at Argonne National Labs Compu ... (No replies)

7 years ago
assary 7 years ago

Materials Science Division/ Argonne National Laboratory Chicago/USA

We have opening for multiple post-doctoral positions in the area of computational chemistry/materials. The post-doctoral researcher will use density functional theory calculations to investigate chemical reactivity in the bulk and interphase. Related projects are in the broad area of computational electrochemistry and computational catalysis.

Applicants  must have (or about to have) a PhD in chemistry, chemical engineering, materials science within past 2-3 years. Computational chemistry/materials modeling using one or two of the electronic structure theory based codes are essential. (Gaussian/QCHEM, VASP/Quantum Espresso, CP2K/ LAMMPS). Good publication record and communication skills are essential, and programming/scripting skills and data science skills are desirable for these positions.

The initial appointment will be for one year and can be renewed (maximum of two more years) subject to satisfactory performance. The post-doctoral associate will benefit from collaborations with other experimental and computational scientists at Argonne.

Based on the initial screening, we will invite selected candidates for an onsite interview at Argonne National Laboratory before final selection.  For details regarding postdoctoral programs at Argonne, please refer

Qualified applicants should submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, one page research statement, and the names, email addresses, and phone numbers of three references as a single PDF document to Dr. Rajeev S. Assary ([email protected]).

Best regards,




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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials