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Postdoc position to compute electrostriction fro ... (No replies)

5 years ago
ebousq 5 years ago

The University of Liège and CentraleSupélec Paris have a 2-years postdoc position opening (from January 1st 2020 to December 31st 2021) to compute and understand the electrostiction response in crystals and to go toward giant responses. The position will be mostly based at the University of Liège (Belgium) in the group of Eric Bousquet with several stays at the lab of Pierre-Eymeric Janolin in CentraleSupélec (Paris). The project will involve strong interactions with experimentalists.

We are looking for candidates having a PhD degree in DFT simulations for materials science and priority will be given to those having knowledge on the following topics:

- phonon calculations

- dielectric crystals

- elasticity

- piezoelectricity

Interested candidates can send their applications (CV with list of publications and conference contributions, one page motivation letter and at least one reference letter) to both Eric Bousquet ([email protected]) and Pierre-Eymeric Janolin ([email protected]). The only condition related to the grant is that the candidate should be European or Swiss.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials