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Postdoc position, SISSA Trieste (1 reply)
The position is for two years, with possible renewal.
The net salary is about 2500euro/months with extra funds available for traveling and collaborating with the many partners involved in this project.
Interested applicants should provide a CV, list of publications, research interests, and two reference letters (independently sent by the supervisors/main collaborators) to Sandro Sorella, [email protected].
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Postdoctoral position in "Electron correlation and material properties by quantum Monte Carlo simulations"
A postdoctoral position at SISSA is immediately available in the group of Prof. Sandro Sorella (, starting date October 2017-January 2018.
The main purpose of this project is to understand, by novel atomistic approaches based on quantum Monte Carlo, correlated materials and models of fundamental theoretical importance. Examples are Mott metal-insulator transitions, graphene properties, High-Temperature superconductors from cuprates to pnictides, hydrogen based materials at extreme conditions, from the hydrogen-helium mixtures in the interior of Jupiter, to the almost ambient temperature sulfur hydride superconductor.
The interested applicant should have a strong motivation to discover new effects that may be driven by strong electron correlation and that cannot be described by more conventional techniques based on density functional theory.
The candidate should also have excellent skills in developing codes and algorithms. The selected one will be part of an international project, sponsored by the Simon's foundation (, for the development of novel efficient algorithms for the many electron problem.