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Postdoc position: Purdue University Oxidation of ... (No replies)

4 years ago
mtitus 4 years ago

The Titus group at Purdue University is seeking a post-doctoral research fellow in the area of first-principles density functional theory calculations to assist with alloy design of high temperature refractory alloys. The work aims to understand and predict the oxidation behavior of high temperature refractory alloys utilized in extreme environments. The post-doctoral researcher will:

  • Perform density functional theory calculations on refractory alloys and oxides to understand defect energies, phase stability, and diffusion kinetics
  • Collaborate extensively with government labs, industry, and experimental colleagues
  • Utilize the Department of Defense High Performance Computing clusters for large and high-throughput calculations.

The unique combination of first-principles-informed alloy design with experimental benchmarks and validation will enable the Post-Doctoral Fellow to gain a deeper understanding of feedback loops existing between modeling and experiments. The Fellow will also gain understanding of the aims and missions of various funding agencies and world-leading industrial research centers. This experience will be especially beneficial towards candidates desiring a position in academia or at a national lab.

More information can be found in the attached document and on my group website.


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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials