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Postdoc position on theories and computations of ... (No replies)
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A postdoc position is available in the group of Jianpeng Liu working on theories and computations of correlation effects and topological properties in moire 2D van der Waals systems, at Shanghai Tech University, China. The position can start as early as May 2020.
Recently the twisted graphene systems have attracted significant interest due to the emergence of various interesting phenomena in these systems such as superconductivity, correlated insulating states, orbital magnetism and quantum anomalous Hall effect. The topological flat bands, which generically exist in twisted and moire graphene systems, are believed to be responsible for all these intriguing phenomena. Based on previous works, we would like to fully understand the interplay between Coulomb interactions, electron-phonon couplings and band topology in the twisted graphene systems, then extend such studies to other twisted van der Waals materials such as twisted transition metal dichalcogenides and twisted 2D magnets.
Competitive salary and housing benefits will be provided. Based on school of physical science and technology, and laboratory for topological physics at Shanghai Tech University, the candidate will also have opportunities in visiting and collaborating with world-leading physicists in the field of topological physics and strongly correlated physics.
The candidate should have a Ph.D. degree in physics or materials science, and should have research experience on theoretical condensed matter physics and/or first principles calculations. The application materials should include a CV with research interest and publication list, and optionally a research statement. Please also arrange to send 2-3 recommendation letters directly to [email protected]
For more information about the P.I.’s research works, please see:
For more information about school of physical science and technology, and about laboratory for topological physics at Shanghai Tech University, please see: