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Postdoc position on Molecular Simulations in Int ... (No replies)
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The SAMPA / Nanopetro group at the Institute of Physics of the University of Sao Paulo in Sao Paulo (Brazil) invites applications for a post-doctorate position with Fapesp fellowship under the theme "Computational nanofluidics and confinement effects on interfaces solid-liquid " starting as soon as possible. We are looking for proactive and motivated candidates with previous experience in molecular dynamics and/or first principles calculations.
The project will be supervised by Prof. Caetano R. Miranda (IFUSP) and is part of the Fapesp Thematic - "Interfaces in materials: electronic, magnetic, structural and transport properties", involving theoretical and experimental groups from USP, UFABC, UNESP and CNPEM in Brazil. Information on the Post-Doctoral Fellowship of FAPESP is available at
Potential candidates must submit by December 15th, 2019, a CV in PDF format, a motivational letter and contact information for two references to Prof. Caetano R. Miranda by email:
[email protected]
with the subject (SAMPAJOBS2019).