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Postdoc position at Tulane University on magneti ... (No replies)

7 years ago
jwsun1012 7 years ago

The materials theory and computation (MaTCOM) group at Tulane University led by Professor Jianwei Sun has one postdoc position available for first-principles density functional studies of complex quantum materials, including transition metal compounds, with emphasis on magnetic properties. The postdoc will have the opportunity to closely collaborate with experimentalists working on neutron scattering studies.Candidates with experience with model hamiltonians and many-body techniques like DMFT and GW are encouraged. One of the main interests of the group is to test the efficacy of the strongly-constrained and appropriately-normed (SCAN) and SCAN-based density functionals for complex quantum materials, and use them to study the couplings between spin, charge, orbital, and lattice degrees of freedom that determine exotic electronic, magnetic, and dynamic properties found in complex quantum materials. If you are interested in the position, please apply at contact Prof. Jianwei Sun for more information:[email protected]or [email protected].

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials