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Postdoc position on functional chalcogenides at ... (No replies)
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The Center for Advancing Materials Performance from the Nanoscale (CAMP-Nano) at Xi’an Jiaotong University China invites applications for a postdoc position on Functional Chalcogenides using Density Functional Theory calculations. The position is available immediately.
Highly motivated young scholars with a degree from physics, chemistry, materials science or related fields are encouraged to apply. Good experience in any one of the following areas is beneficial, including phase-change memory materials, topological insulators, 2D metal chalcogenides and thermoelectric materials.
The position provides an annual salary of 210, 000 Chinese Yuan with free accommodation for 2-4 years. Excellent candidates will be recommended to apply for a special 2-year national grant for young talents, which provides up to 120, 000 Yuan annually as additional income. Note that the living cost excluding accommodation in Xi’an is 2,000-3,000 Yuan per month. By the end of the postdoc program, excellent scholars will get a chance to compete for tenure positions at Xi’an Jiaotong University.
For interested applicants, please send a detailed CV to [email protected] Review of applications will continue until the position is filled.
Xi'an locates in the central part of China. Xi’an, previously known as Chang’an, meaning Perpetual Peace or Eternal Peace, has a long history of 3000 years, and has been the capital of ancient China for more than 1100 years. Xi'an Jiaotong University (XJTU) is a Chinese C9 League university with strengths in engineering, technology, and public health located in Xi'an, China. XJTU is one of the topmost universities in China, affiliated to the Chinese Education Ministry, and is one of the oldest current institutions of higher education in China.