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Postdoc position Montpellier (France): Photochem ... (No replies)

Bruno Senjean
3 years ago
Bruno Senjean 3 years ago

Title: POSTDOC POSITION IN MONTPELLIER. Photochemistry on Quantum Computers.


A postdoc position is available for 18 months starting from October 1st
2021 at the Charles Gerhardt Institute of Montpellier (France), in the
new departement "Chimie Physique Théorique et Modélisation" (before
called "Chimie Théorique, Méthodologies, Modélisations"). The project
(acronym QACTUS: Quantum Algorithms for Chemistry, Towards a Unified
Strategy) is founded by the I-SITE MUSE of Montpellier and is supervised
by Bruno Senjean and Benjamin Lasorne (CNRS researchers), with the
external collaboration of Saad Yalouz.

This project is devoted to the implementation of theoretical
photochemistry on quantum computers, with applications to dendritic
molecules that have high-impact applications related to environmental
protection and human health, but for which a complete understanding
(such as photoinduced energy and electron transfer) is beyond reach of
classical computers and require an accurate description of excited
states and their nonadiabatic couplings with nuclear motions around
avoided crossings and conical intersections.
The candidate is expected to develop new quantum algorithms to answer
these problems. Simulations of small chemical models will be performed
first on classical computers, then followed by the implementation on the
latest IBM quantum devices thanks to the partnership between IBM Quantum
and the University of Montpellier (project QuantUM).

Programing (python) and method development skills are required, as well
as knowledge in either Quantum Computing or Theoretical (Photo)chemistry
/ Molecular Physics.

Applications should be sent to Bruno Senjean
([email protected]) including:

- a Complete Scientific CV (with list of publications)

- 1 or 2 reference letters (to be sent directly to
[email protected] by the person that recommends the candidate)

DEADLINE for submitting an application is November 1st 2021.

Bruno Senjean and Benjamin Lasorne.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials