Job announcements relevant to people interested in electronic structure calculations…
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Postdoc position in Uppsala (No replies)
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We are looking for someone that is interested in and excited about developing new theoretical tools to understand and characterize strongly correlated systems in condensed matter systems. The long-term goal of the project is to provide a reference system for strongly correlated systems that can be characterized in detail. This implies, for example, that it is necessary to go beyond the local perspective of Dynamical Mean Field Theory (DMFT), and to include non-local correlations. The project involves both analytic and numerical methods so experience with either, or preferably both, is a merit. The research is focused mainly on model systems (e.g. Hubbard models and their extensions) but it is also of interest to applying the developed methods to realistic materials. Hence, experience and interest also in this perspective of correlated electron physics is desirable.
For more information, please contact Johan Nilsson, email: [email protected]
The official announcement and instructions on how to apply can be found here: