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Postdoc position in theoretical / computational ... (No replies)

9 years ago
Oppeneer 9 years ago

Postdoctoral position in theoretical / computational condensed matter physics

at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, Division of Materials Theory, Uppsala University, Sweden.

Application no later than 2015-12-31. UFV-PA 2015 / 3226

Starting date: according to mutual agreement.

Research area: theoretical and computational materials physics, with focus on modeling of ultrafast magnetic processes and theory of radiation-induced magnetism and unconventional superconductivity.

The research areas to which the postdoctoral researcher can contribute through his/her research are 1) theoretical investigations and computational modeling of laser-induced non-equilibrium magnetization processes in magnetic materials on ultrashort time scales. The research work includes development of theoretical models and computer programs for ultrafast optical control of magnetization in strong laser fields. The postdoctoral researcher can furthermore contribute to 2) the development of theory for radiation-induced magnetism and unconventional superconductivity. Density-functional theory (DFT) based programs will be used for accurate description of magnetic and superconducting materials.

Prospective applicants are expected to be strongly motivated and have a PhD degree in theoretical or computational physics or materials science. Excellent capabilities to perform research should be demonstrated through publications in peer-reviewed journals. Experience with large-scale ab initio calculations is desirable, as is also the ability to perform computer code development. Good communication skills both orally and in written English, and also the ability to work independently, are required.

The application should include a description of research interests and relevant experiences, CV, certificates of exams, degrees and grades, a copy of the PhD or outline of the PhD thesis, and list of publication and other relevant materials. The PhD degree should be obtained less than three years prior to the application deadline. Applicants are asked to provide names of two reference persons or to include recommendation letters.

The postdoctoral position is for two years. The candidate is offered the possibility to work in an exciting modern research area in physics and will have opportunities to interact and collaborate with leading experimental and theoretical groups.

Further information about the postgraduate education at the Department of Physics and Astronomy is available at

Uppsala University is aiming for a more even gender distribution and women are especially encouraged to apply. 

More information concerning the position can be obtained from Professor Peter Oppeneer, e-mail: peter.oppeneer "at", phone: +46-(0)18 471 3748.

You are welcome to submit your application electronically no later than 31 December 2015, UFV-PA 2015/3226 Use the link below to access the application form.


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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials