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Postdoc position in Theoretical Chemistry (No replies)
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Postdoc position in Theoretical Chemistry
The two Amsterdam Universities, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam VU and University of Amsterdam UvA, are collaborating with the SCM (Software for Chemistry & Materials) and BioTools companies to develop new software for analysis of vibrational spectra of chiral molecules. In this ongoing project, we have an opening for a postdoctoral researcher with a strong background in theoretical chemical method development.
Description of the project
The vibrational optical activity of chiral molecules provides a unique signature that can be used to determine the absolute conformation of a molecule. This is important as in many cases the precise chirality of molecules determines their chemical and biological activity. The current combination of experimental and computational techniques is so far only applicable to relatively small molecules. In this project we are developing methods that are able to treat larger molecules and include coupling with low-lying electronically excited states.
Develop and implement novel density functional theory methods with a focus on response methods for the description of excited electronic states; method application in collaboration with experimental partners and the other researchers (one PhD, a PD, and a PI abroad) in the project; preparation of scientific publications and user documentation.
Ph. D. in a relevant field (chemistry or physics) with in-depth knowledge of density functional theory;
Proven software development skills;
Good communication skills in the English language.
Further particulars
This is a two-year postdoc position starting at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (first year) and extendable (after a positive half-time evaluation) by another year at the University of Amsterdam. The position can be filled as soon as possible and applications will be reviewed until this position is filled.
The salary will be in accordance with university regulations for academic personnel, and depending on experience, range from € 3.238,- gross per month up € 3.722,- gross per month (salary scale 10) based on a fulltime employment.
You can find information about our excellent fringe benefits of employment at like:
For additional information please contact:
Prof. dr. Lucas Visscher and/or prof. dr. Wybren Jan Buma
phone: +31 20 5987624 and + 31 20 5256973
e-mail: [email protected] and [email protected]
Applicants are requested to write a letter in which they describe their abilities and motivation, accompanied by their curriculum vitae, copies of relevant research papers and two letters of recommendation. Letters should be addressed to profs. Buma and Visscher and be sent via email to [email protected] and [email protected]