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Postdoc Position in Quantum Mechanical Simulatio ... (No replies)

6 years ago
lratcliff 6 years ago

A postdoctoral position is available on the theory and simulation of materials for organic electronics applications in the group of Dr Laura Ratcliff ( in the Department of Materials at Imperial College London. The successful candidate will develop software for the accurate treatment of electronic excitations at a quantum mechanical level, while also accounting for environmental and statistical effects, which will be captured through simulating realistic disordered supramolecular morphologies. Developments will be implemented in the BigDFT code (, while applications will focus on materials for OLEDs.

We wish to appoint an outstanding individual with a strong track record in developing methods for first-principles electronic structure calculations. You will also be a conscientious, innovative scientist who has successfully completed or is about to obtain, a PhD (or equivalent) in theoretical or computational physical science (chemistry, physics or materials). In addition, you will be able to demonstrate an ability to understand quantum mechanical calculations in detail and have an interest in materials for organic electronics.

The position is funded for up to 3 years and the start date is negotiable. The deadline for applications is 6 April 2018. Further information and instructions for applications can be found at:

Informal enquiries are encouraged and should be directed to Dr. Laura Ratcliff at [email protected].

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials