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Postdoc position in optical and transport proper ... (No replies)

8 years ago
erhart 8 years ago

We are looking for outstanding candidates for a post-doctoral researcher position in the area of optical and transport properties of 2D materials, in particular transition metal dichalcogenide heterostructures. The position will be hosted at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden, under the supervision of Associate Professor Paul Erhart in the Materials and Surface Theory division at the Department of Physics 

The ultimate objective of this project is to employ computational modeling to design layered materials with optimal optical and transport properties for applications in energy harvesting. To this end, we will study models of the electronic structure based on ab-initio calculations that enable a quantitative description of the electronic and phononic degrees of freedom of these systems. These models will be employed for calculations based on the density matrix formalism in a closely collaboration with the group of Associate Professor Ermin Malic (also at Chalmers). In this fashion we can predict the response of the system to external optical, electrical and thermal stimuli.

Chalmers University of Technology provides a rich and stimulating for research in 2D materials and is the coordinator of the Graphene Flagship. The Materials and Surface Theory group at the Department of Physics focuses on the application of electronic structure and atomic scale simulation methods to address current problems in materials science. Many of our research activities concerns materials of interest for energy harvesting from solar, thermal, and fusion sources. In these areas we work closely with several experimental and theory groups both nationally and internationally. At the moment the division comprises two faculty members, nine Ph.D. students, two post-docs, and one scientic computation expert, providing a stimulating, motivating, and collaborative research environment.

To apply for this position please go to and use the link "Apply" at the bottom of the page. On said page you can also find further details concerning the position. The application deadline is November 20, 2016.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials