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PostDoc position in nucleation and proton-transf ... (No replies)
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At the Institute of Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Soft Matter at the Technical University of Hamburg the following position - limited until June 30, 2020 for the duration of the project mentioned below - is to be filled at the earliest possible date
Research Associate / Research Associate
Fee group 13 TV-L, code no.: D-18-99
The FHH promotes equality between women and men. Women are under-represented in the area for which this position is advertised within the meaning of § 3 Sec. 1 of the Hamburg Equal Opportunities Act (HmbGleiG). We therefore expressly encourage women to apply. They are given priority in the event of equal suitability, competence and professional performance. Severely disabled and equal disabled persons have priority over applicants of equal aptitude, competence and professional performance who are not privileged by law.
Field of activity:
Implementation of scientific Tasks within the subproject A8 "Molecular dynamic simulation of self-assembly of polymer-coated ceramic nanoparticles" within the Collaborative Research Center 986 "Tailor-made multi-scale material systems - M3".
SFB 986, with the participation of the Technical University Hamburg-Harburg (TUHH), the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht (HZG), the University of Hamburg and the German Electron Synchrotron, aims at the development and production of multi-scale structured macroscopic materials with tailor-made mechanical, electrical and photonic properties. Further information about the SFB 986 can be found under
In this subproject realistic models of functionalized magnetite and TiO2 nanoparticles are to be developed. To achieve this, the Kawska-Zahn approach or related methods for modelling proton transfer on the basis of force-field-based molecular dynamics simulations will be used or, if necessary, developed. Furthermore, the influence of the solvent, the ligands and the nanoparticle geometry on the self-organisation of supercrystals will be investigated.
Degree and doctorate, in particular in physics, physical chemistry, theoretical chemistry, materials science or similar. Experience in nucleation and crystal growth modelling is advantageous.
Special knowledge in the field of free energy calculation using classical molecular dynamics simulations, e.g. with LAMMPS and metadynamics, as well as very good knowledge of at least one programming language (preferably C, C++, Python) and very good written and oral English skills are required.
For further information, please contact Prof. Meißner at (040) 42878-2580.
Applications with a curriculum vitae in table form and the usual documents must be sent by 18.09.2018 stating the identification number D-18-141 to:
Hamburg University of Technology
Personnel Department PV32/G -
21071 Hamburg, Germany
Or by e-mail to [email protected]
Due to the large number of applications, the Technical University of Hamburg can only return application documents that are accompanied by a sufficiently stamped and addressed self-addressed envelope. Please do not submit originals.