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Postdoc position in nonlocal-DFT development (No replies)

6 years ago
hyldgaar 6 years ago

The density functional theory group in the
Department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience - MC2,
at Chalmers, Sweden, invites applications for a
postdoc position with emphasis on nonlocal-DFT method
development, implementation, and validation.

The successful candidate will work to develop our class
of consistent van der Waals density functional
(vdW-DF) versions that adhere to both the Lindhard
screening logic and current conservation. We aim
to develop a nonempirical general-purpose computational
tool and the focus is on exploring the method potential
for explorations of biochemistry. You will help us
build broader trust in this vdW-DF class, by seeking to
launch benchmarking in both traditional materials and
chemistry settings. You will also help us track and
understand binding signatures of nonlocal correlation
effects. Finally, you will seek and implement vdW-DF
method progress in libraries and DFT codes, for
example, adapting them for large-scale vdW-DF studies
of biomolecular problems.

We are looking for a highly motivated person who has
completed a Ph.D. in Physics, Engineering Physics, or
in Physical Chemistry. You should be fluent in English and
have a solid knowledge of both DFT and condensed matter theory.
Experience in scripting languages like python is also a
requirement, and experience in coding (fortran or C)
is a clear advantage.

The position is limited to a maximum of two years (1+1).
Chalmers continuously strives to be an attractive employer.
Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all
activities at Chalmers.

For further information please contact
Professor Per Hyldgaard, +46 31-772-8422, [email protected]

Please see the official Chalmers position webpage:

for details, application instruction, and for access to the Chalmers
registrator portal, through which your application should be sent.

Preferred start date is April 2019. Application deadline is
February 15, 2019. If not filled by then, applications will be
reviewed every month until the search is closed.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials