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Postdoc position in Multiscale Modelling of Long ... (No replies)

7 years ago
baumeier 7 years ago

Postdoc position in Multiscale Modelling of Long-Distance Spin-Dependent Electronic Transport in Supramolecular Nanostructures

In the context of the NWO Vidi project of Dr. Björn Baumeier, a Postdoc position (1+1 year) is available at the Centre of Analysis, Scientific computing and Applications (CASA) in TU Eindhoven's Department for Mathematics and Computer Science and the Institute for Complex Molecular Systems (ICMS).

The Postdoc will be involved in the group's activities to develop a comprehensive set of multiscale computer simulation methods that allow for a bottom-up simulation of charge and exciton/energy dynamics in large-scale supramolecular materials. It is expected that the successful candidate will collaborate with other researchers across disciplines in this project, will publish results in leading scientific journals and conferences in the field, and assist in guiding (project-related) PhD and MSc graduation projects.

We are looking for a candidate that meets the following requirements:

  • a solid background in Computational Chemistry or Physics with specialization in quantum chemistry (density functional theory, GW-BSE, etc) or related areas (demonstrated by a relevant PhD);
  • a strong interest in method development and implementation (C++);
  • being enthusiastic about collaboration with experimentalists;
  • experience with localized orbital implementations of quantum chemistry;
  • hands on experience with multiscale modelling techniques in a plus

For more information, conditions of employment, and to apply, visit TU Eindhoven's job announcement.


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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials