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Postdoc position in materials crystal structure (No replies)

7 years ago
weili1222 7 years ago

The Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) department at the Institute of High Performance Computing (IHPC) in Singapore invite applications for the position of postdoctoral researcher (Research Scientist) to work in the area of materials theory and simulation.

The successful applicant will conduct research on crystal structures of oxides particularly at interfaces such as grain boundaries. The work will include density functional theory (DFT) calculations and/or calculations using classical potentials. The research activities will also involve code development for structure optimisation. Collaborations with external groups, both theoretical and experimental groups, may be expected.

Applicants should be able to work independently, have strong communication skills and work ethics. Applicants should possess a PhD degree in Physics, Computer Science, Materials Science, or a related discipline. Applicants must have expertise in programming, preferably in C++. Experience in atomistic and/or DFT simulations is an advantage. Interested applicants should send a CV to Dr Wei Li Cheah via email ([email protected]). Review of the applications will begin immediately and the post will be filled as soon as a suitable candidate is found.


About the institute:

The Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) is Singapore’s lead government agency for economic-oriented Research and Development (R&D). We advance science and develop innovative technology to further economic growth and improve lives. For more information about A*STAR, please visit:

A*STAR’s Institute of High Performance Computing (IHPC) is a research institute of A*STAR. IHPC was established in April 1998 to provide leadership in high performance computing as a strategic resource for scientific inquiry and industry development. It seeks to power discoveries through advanced methodologies, techniques and new tools in modelling, simulation and visualisation. Its core research areas are in the realm of complex-coupled systems, mechanics and fluid dynamics, large-scale systems, digital modelling, adaptive and collaborative computing, data mining and analysis, computational electronics and electromagnetics, computational materials science and chemistry. For more information about IHPC, please visit 

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials