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6 years ago
razvancaracas 6 years ago

One postdoc position is available in the IMPACT ERC project based in Lyon, France, starting with autumn 2018.

The position is to study the supercritical state of a variety of multicomponent silicate and oxide systems from large-scale atomistic simulations. We need to compute the position of the critical points, the properties of the melts, of the supercritical fluids, and the liquid – vapor equilibria. We envisage exploiting a wide database of existent results from ab initio molecular dynamics simulations on various silicate compositions at a wide range of conditions. The successful candidate will first fit accurate and efficient interatomic potentials, which he/she will use in further multi-million atom scale simulations to study extended chemical systems, volatility, and chemical and isotope partitioning between melts and gases.

IMPACT aims to retrace the thermodynamic path of the condensation of the protolunar disk, to bring physical and chemical constraints on the impact model, and to characterize the formation of the Moon and of the Earth. Immediately after the Giant Impact, the largest parts of both the proto-Earth and the impactor melted and vaporized. They accumulated into a large protolunar disk. Everything inside the Roche radius fell down and condensed to form the early Earth. The outer mass partly fell onto the Earth, partly condensed to form the moon and partly was lost to space.

We are working on a variety of chemical systems: iron and iron alloys, simple oxides and silicates, volatile-bearing complex silicate melts, etc. We are investigating typical temperatures in the 3000 - 15000K range and densities in the 1 – 7 g/cm3 range. For comparison, average rocks at the surface of the Earth are found between 250 and 1300 K, and in the 2-3 g/cm3 density range.

Specific requirements for the successful candidate:

- PhD degree in computational mineral physics, solid-state physics, chemistry or materials science;

- computing skills (preferably python);

- extensive experience with fitting interatomic potentials and performing large-scale molecular-dynamics simulations;

- knowledge of LAMMPS or similar simulation package software;

- proficiency in written and spoken English;

- strong publication record. 

The postdoctoral position is for one year renewable once.

He/she will be financed and be part of the Impact group funded by the European Research Council (a bit of information is at: The group is hosted in the brand new offices of the Centre Blaise Pascal, the broad numerical and computing center at the Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon, which is a small but elite institution. 

The application should be addressed to Dr. Razvan Caracas ([email protected]). The package will include CV, names of references, motivation letter, including specific interests and prior experience in areas related to computational mineral physics or material science. Applications will be considered until the position is filled.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials