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Postdoc position in first-principles quantum tra ... (No replies)

7 years ago
bknikolic 7 years ago

The Quantum Transport Theory Group led by Prof. Branislav K. Nikolic at the University of Delaware (UD), and MURI Project on Multiscale Mathematical Modeling and Design Realization of Novel 2D Functional Materials, whose UD subgroup is led by Prof. Petr Plechac, invites applications for a postdoctoral position in simulations of quantum transport of charge and spin through heterostructures of 2D materials based on first-principles Hamiltonians or their accurate tight-binding parametrization for large-scale calculations. Applicants are required to have a Ph.D. in theoretical and computational condensed matter physics or applied mathematics.  Candidates with strong expertise in at least two fields among density functional theory, nonequilibrium Green function theory and Kubo formula, as well as with experience in Python scripting and usage of KWANT package, will be given priority in consideration. Applicants should send a Curriculum Vitae (which includes a list of publications and a list of at least three references) and samples of code they have developed to [email protected]. Screening of applicants will start immediately.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials