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Postdoc position in field of organic semiconduct ... (No replies)

8 years ago
a-k-us 8 years ago

Postdoctoral position in the field of organic semiconductors

The research group of Prof. A. Köhn at the Institute for Theoretical Chemistry, University of Stuttgart invites applications for a

postdoctoral researcher position (full time, payment according to E13/TV-L, fixed-term contract for 18 months)

to support our newly initiated project “Quantum chemical investigations of interactions and transfer processes at interfaces“. The project is part of the collaborative research project “Design principles of organic electronics: Heterogenities in volume phase and at interfaces” funded by the BMBF (Federal ministry of education and research). We look for an experienced researcher with a strong background in computational solid state or materials science to complete our team at the InnovationLab in Heidelberg. Workplace will be at the InnovationLab in Heidelberg (close to main station) to enhance interaction with experimental groups located there.

A successful candidate

  • should hold a PhD in either chemistry, physics, materials science or a closely related field;
  • should have a strong expertise in applying electronic structure computations with periodic boundary conditions (e.g. VASP program package);
  • should be an excellent team player and have a strong ability to plan and conduct independent research;
  • should have a very good command of the English language both spoken and written.

We offer a stimulating research environment with strong interdisciplinary interactions with other research groups ranging from chemical synthesis to device engineering. Visits to national and international scientific meetings can also be funded.

The University of Stuttgart strives to enhance the proportion of women in research and science and explicitly invites female candidates to apply. Handicapped persons will be given priority if equally qualified.

Applications (including a cover letter, CV, summary of previous research projects and an outlook on own future research interests, copies of academic certificates, letters of reference) should be sent to the address given below (email preferred). Please refer to the ID C01-2016. This call remains open until February 29, 2016.

Prof. Dr. Andreas Köhn
Institute for Theoretical Chemistry, University of Stuttgart
Pfaffenwaldring 55, 70569 Stuttgart
email: [email protected]

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials