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Postdoc position in computational materials chem ... (No replies)
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We invite applications for a postdoc position in computational materials chemistry at the University of Bern, Switzerland. The position is for 2 years and the successful candidate will use density functional theory (DFT) methods to investigate the defect chemistry at oxide thin-film surfaces and their interfaces with substrate materials in view of emerging ferroelectric or magnetic functionality.
Applicants should hold a PhD degree in Chemistry, Material Science or a related field and must have prior experience with DFT calculations of either oxide heterostructures or defects in semiconducting oxides. They should further have an excellent command of spoken and written English and be highly motivated to develop fundamental understanding of the defect chemistry at oxide surfaces and interfaces. Experience with working in python will be considered a plus.
The position is available earliest from 1.2.2019 or an agreed upon later date and the salary is highly competitive on an international level. Applications will be processed as received until the position is filled. Applications including 1) a letter stating the applicant's interest, motivation and qualification for the position as well as 2) a CV and publication list and 3) contact details for three academic references should be sent to [email protected] using “Postdoc defects” as the subject line.