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Postdoc Position in Computational Discovery of n ... (No replies)

7 years ago
Lilia 7 years ago

A Postdoc position is available at the Institute for Theoretical and Computational Physics of the TU Graz, to to work on the project “Superhydra” (new high pressure hydrides for superhydrogen storage and superconductivity), funded by the Austrian Science Fund FWF (

The goal of the project is to search for new high-temperature superconductors, investigating the high-pressure phase diagram of complex hydrides.

The project will be carried out in close collaboration with Prof. Lilia Boeri (Dipartimento di Fisica, Sapienza Universita’ di Roma), who is an expert on computational superconductivity.

What we are looking for: We are looking for a highly motivated, independent researcher, with a PhD in physics or material science degree, an excellent knowledge of theoretical condensed matter physics, programming and writing skills. A previous knowledge of DFT codes and/or material prediction algorithms is highly desirable. The working language is English, German is not required.

What we offer: The postdoc position is paid according to Austrian salary rules (gross salary is 64 keuros/year), with all standard benefits, such as pension, health insurance, social security. The initial appointment is for one year, renewable up to 3 years upon mutual agreement. The Graz University of Technology is an equal-opportunity employer.

For enquiries and to APPLY, send a cover letter, a cv, and the name and contact of two possible references to: [email protected].

The deadline for applications is September 15, 2017. The starting date is flexible, between September 2017 and January 2018.


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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials