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PostDoc position in computational chemistry/cond ... (No replies)
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Applications are invited for a post-doctoral research fellow position in the group of Dr. Reinhard Maurer in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Warwick. The post is funded through a prestigious UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship project, to develop new computational approaches for the ab-initio simulation of hot-electron effects in catalysis.
The research fellow will focus in particular on the computational study of light-induced hot-electron-effects in plasmonic catalysis and ultrafast dynamics at metal surfaces. By combining electronic friction theory, Density Functional Theory, and machine-learning methods, the candidate will develop a first-principles-based simulation framework for the description of light-driven hot-electron effects in chemical reactions at metal surfaces and nanoparticles. This methodology will be applied to study elementary reactions of light-driven catalysis in collaboration with experimental partners.
The successful candidate will hold a PhD degree (or be about to be awarded a PhD) in Chemistry, Physics, or Materials Science with in-depth prior knowledge of condensed matter simulation methods, electronic structure theory, and experience in programming.
Appointment will be offered for a period of three years with a starting salary between £30,395-£39,609, depending on skills and experience. The post will be supported by significant high-performance computing resources and funding to allow conference travel and career development.
The closing date for applications is 26 May 2019. Applications should be made via the University of Warwick jobs page:
Informal enquiries should be addressed to Dr. Reinhard Maurer, email [email protected]