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Postdoc position in computational biochemistry ... (No replies)

6 years ago
edumont-ensl 6 years ago
One post-doctoral position (one year, with a second one which can be funded upon mutual agreement) is available in the Department of Chemistry under the supervision of Pr. Elise Dumont at ENS de Lyon in computational biochemistry. 
The postdoctoral fellow will be elucidating protein-protein interfaces mediated by a crystallophore, a lanthanide-based complex recently proposed and patterned in our lab. The project implies collaboration leading experimentalists at ENS Lyon and IBS Grenoble. A background in molecular dynamics and/or QM/MM methods as well as experience with biomolecular systems is required. Some knowledge in bioinformatics would be a plus. A more complete description is available here: [link]
Our group at ENSL gathers 20 to 30 members in total, including 8 permanents researchers, and is highly international (roughly 10 nationalities), and spans topics from QM/MM-MD for excited states in biological systems to heterogeneous catalysis. 

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials