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Postdoc position in bioinspired catalyst design ... (No replies)

5 years ago
hjk 5 years ago

A postdoctoral position is available immediately in Prof. Heather Kulik’s group at MIT. The position will focus on research in the area of biomimetic/bioinspired catalyst design. The research involves the simulation of metalloenzymes for evaluation of mechanism, extraction of design rules, and identification of a biological design blueprint. Further simulations of biomimetic molecular catalysts and materials as well as informatics-based screening of both biological and nonbiological catalysts will be another key component of the project. The ideal candidate will have experience with classical molecular dynamics, multi-scale QM/MM and QM cluster modeling of enzymes, and/or reaction pathway analysis. This project involves collaboration with and frequent discussions/preparation of reports for an industrial sponsor. Organized presentations and time management skills to meet deadlines will be required. This overall project involves high-throughput screening, machine learning, and biomimetic catalyst design, with enzyme design rules being encapsulated into functional materials. This project will align closely with and leverage the group’s software developments in high-throughput screening and machine learning in transition metal catalysis. This project is an ideal fit for a candidate with expertise in simulation of both biological and non-biological catalysts and an interest in developing expertise in high-throughput and machine learning tools.


MIT is located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, centrally located in a vibrant Boston-area science and technology industry sector and numerous other universities. Postdoctoral associates are paid at standard MIT-designated rates commensurate with experience, and benefits include affordable health insurance and 15+ designated vacation days per year above institute holidays.


Interested applicants should send an email to Prof. Kulik (hjkulik at that includes 1) a C.V., 2) current employment status (if already a postdoc) or planned date of graduation (if completing PhD) and availability for starting, and 3) names of at least two references.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials