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Postdoc position in Barcelona (No replies)
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We are looking for postdoc candidates in the Theory and Simulation Group at ICN2 in Barcelona (, to work on the development of the SIESTA code. The ideal candidate will have experience in first-principles calculations, and be a good coder (fortran+MPI/openMP). Knowledge of scripting, data analysis, and high-throughput calculations would be a plus. The position is part of a larger collaboration with other research teams under European projects.
The initial contract is for one year, that can be renewed upon mutual agreement.
Starting date: As soon as possible
Apply via the ICN2 web site:
by submitting
Please note: Coding experience is a must. Applications from candidates that do not show this experience in their application documentation will be automatically dismissed, without reply.
For further details, you can contact Miguel Pruneda ([email protected]) or Zeila Zanolli ([email protected])