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Postdoc position in advanced materials modeling ... (No replies)

11 months ago
matic.poberznik 11 months ago

An open position for a post-doc or researcher to be involved in advanced materials modeling and high-performance computing (HPC) is available at the Jožef Stefan Institute under the supervision of Anton Kokalj and Jan Jona Javoršek. The position is renewable yearly for up to 3 years.

Outstanding candidates with good programming skills and a strong background in materials science, chemistry, or physics are sought. Experience with density-functional theory (DFT) calculations is a plus.

The position will focus on research in advanced materials modeling using HPC. The candidate will address the technical challenges of the MaX flagship codes on their way to the exascale and their deployment to EuroHPC machines. The work requires interaction with the developers' community within the MaX EU Centre of Excellence.

The work will enjoy the support of HPC architects and system administrators’ team at the Jožef Stefan Institute and be provided access to modern HPC infrastructure, including local development cluster and EuroHPC machines. The candidate will also have the opportunity to engage in the development of the PWTK scripting interface for Quantum ESPRESSO and the XCrySDen visualizer.

Interested candidates, including those not satisfying all the requirements, may contact Anton Kokalj on for more information. Applications should be submitted at the candidate's earliest convenience. The call will remain open until suitable candidates have been found.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials