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Postdoc position for interdisciplinary research ... (No replies)

7 years ago
hoshi 7 years ago

We would like to announce that an PD position in Japan is open
for interdisciplinary research between information science
(e.g. HPC, numerical analysis, data science)
and computational material science
on supercomputers. [1]
The PD will join our team of
'Development of fundamental parallel algorithms' [2],
a part of the national project of Japan for development of
the next flagship ('post-K') supercomputer.
The missions of the position are (i) the
development of basic parallel numerical routine (e.g. [3]) and
(ii) application study, such as the convergence between
HPC (large-scale simulations, e.g. [4]) and ultra-high-dimensional
data-driven science, which will play a crucial role on
next-generation supercomputers.
The researcher will visit researchers in our
project [1] or related ones,
so as to promote interdisciplinary research.

Starting date: April 1, 2018 (Later starting date is negotiable.)
Deadline: The review process will start immediately and continue
until the position filled. We may not guarantee the full consideration
for the application materials sent after 16. Feb. 2018.
Requirements: PhD degree. The researcher is expected to have
considerable experiences in computational material science (e.g.
electronic structure calculation, molecular dynamics simulation) or
information science (e.g. HPC, numerical analysis, data science).
Experience of the code development in Fortran and/or Python is
welcomed (not required).

Other details can be found in [1].

H. Imachi and H. Hoshi, J. Inf. Process 24, 164 (2016).
[4] T. Hoshi et al, Proc. ScalA16 in SC16, 33 (2016).

Takeo Hoshi
Department of Applied Mathematics and Physics, Tottori University
[email protected]

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials