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Postdoc position for a computational chemist/mat ... (No replies)

8 years ago
konstantatos 8 years ago

The Functional Optoelectronic NanoMaterials group at ICFO, led by ICREA Prof. Gerasimos Konstantatos, is launching a research program on the design, synthesis and engineering of nanostructured inorganic materials based on Environmentally Friendly Earth Abundant elements for Energy harvesting and solar cell applications.

The program will develop new hierarchical engineering schemes of inorganic nanocrystalline semiconductor compounds from the atomic to the suprananocrystalline level to develop high performance low-cost solution-processed solar cells that can cover the broad solar spectrum from the visible to the infrared in both single junction and tandem architectures.
To address this grand challenge, we seek highly motivated, visionary and highly skilled researchers to form a multidisciplinary team at different levels (postdoctoral and pre-doctoral).

By means of this opening, we are looking for a computational chemist/material scientist with strong demonstrated expertise in DFT simulations of semiconductors (bulk and nanomaterials) using various software platforms (SIESTA, VASP) ideally on materials for energy harvesting applications. The fellow will act as the group´s liaison with theorists that the FON group collaborates with as well as work together with experimentalist material scientists and chemists in the group to develop new passivation and doping schemes as well as design compounds for solar energy harvesting applications. The incumbent is also expected to write proposals for access at supercomputing facilities to perform the simulations. The position is available for three years renewable on an annual basis depending on the performance of the incumbent and the progress of the project. (Code Name: COMP-MAT)

for more information and how to apply please go here:

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials