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Postdoc position, disordered materials, Linköpi ... (No replies)
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Postdoctor in Theoretical Physics
based in the Theory of Disordered Materials unit within the Theoretical Physics Division
Linköping University, Sweden
The successful candidate will perform theoretical materials science research based on first-principles calculations and other atomistic simulations methods for materials with disorder.
The candidate will contribute to the long term goal of this new and growing group headed by Björn Alling which is to obtain methodological ability for quantitative predictions of complex materials properties connected to disorder, directly from theoretical simulations. Exact area for research will depend on the competence and interest of the applicant. Of particular interest for the group is dislocations in crystals, magnetic materials in the high-temperature paramagnetic phase, and the properties and stability of ceramic alloys.
The work will involve both method development and application of theoretical calculations for application-inspired fundamental materials science questions in collaboration with experimental partners.
For the current position a PhD degree in theoretical or computational physics, chemistry, material science or corresponding fields is required.
A particular merit is experience in atomistic simulations of dislocations, in particular based on first-principles simulations. Experience of method development and theoretical simulations of magnetic materials from first-principles, and in particular temperature or disorder effects are also a merit. Furthermore, experience in density functional theory simulations, alloy theory methods such as cluster expansion, Monte Carlo and Molecular dynamics simulations, and derivation of interatomic potentials from ab-initio data are valuable.
Application procedure
Deadline for application 14 January 2018.
All info needed, and a link to apply is present at
Appointment time
Two years.
Starting date
By agreement as soon as possible.
The University applies individual salary scales adapted to the experience of the employee and to the Swedish labour market.