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POSTDOC position, Development of electronic stru ... (No replies)

8 years ago
msaubanere 8 years ago

Location: ICG Montpellier (France)

Funded by: RS2E (
Supervisors: Dr. Matthieu Saubanère (ICGM) and Dr. Alexis Grimaud (Collège de France)


A postdoc fellowship is available to develop new electronic structure methods based on advanced Density Functional Theory (DFT) enabling accurate determination of electronic and structural response function. The newly developed methods could be based either on wave function or Green function formalism. Direct applications are envisioned for state-of-the-art lithium rich oxides used as cathode materials in Li-ions batteries. The candidates must possess a strong background in computational physics/chemistry and/or programming. Knowledge in lithium-ion batteries is not mandatory. The project takes place in a high standing theoretical and experimental collaborative network.
Ref:  Nature Material, 15, 121 (2016), Science 350, 1520 (2015); Energy,  & Environ. Sci., 9, 984 (2016); Nature Commun., 5, 5559 (2014); Phys. Rev. B, 94, 045102 (2016).

The one-year (renewable under conditions) fellowship is tenable from April 2017 (or shortly afterwards) and candidates should have a strong interest (experience) in the development of first principle methods. PhD must have been validated in April 2015 and later.

About the labs
> ICGM (Institut Charles Gerhardt, Montpellier)  ( . The theory group of ICGM has a long term experience in modeling materials for electrochemical energy storage.
> CdF(Chaire de Chimie du solide et de l’énergie, Collège de France, Paris) is a cutting-edge laboratory in the field of solid state chemistry applied to energy storage. (

How to apply?
> A resume (with names of references) and a cover letter should be emailed to [email protected]  and [email protected]
> Apply before March 31th2017

Keywords: electronic structure methods, DFT, Li-ions batteries, energy storage

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials