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Postdoc Position @ Beijing Advanced Innovation C ... (No replies)
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A Postdoc position for 12 months, with possible renewal for another 12, is immediately available in the satellite group of Dr. Stefano Angioletti-Uberti at Beijing Advanced Innovation Centre for Soft Matter ( BAIC-SM: ), a recently established research centre within Beijing University of Chemical Technology (PR China).
The prospective candidate should have a PhD in Physics, Materials Science, Chemistry, Chemical Engineering or related fields, possess excellent mathematical skills and must have a strong previous track record in computational modelling. Different projects are available, but in general, the candidate is expected to carry out theoretical and simulation work in the broad areas of either self-assembly or biosensing. All projects will be in close collaboration with experimental groups at BAIC-SM as well as the Institute of Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
The candidate must have a large degree of scientific independence, with a strong capacity to develop creative and original research within the broad remits of the project. At the end of the post, and upon a positive evaluation by the Academic Commission, there is the possibility to obtain an independent PI position within BAIC-SM. The salary offered is between 150,000-200,000 RMB / year (~20,000-26,000 euros/year ) depending on the applicant previous achievements. On top of this, some benefits, as well as a performance-related bonus, will be provided.
Interested candidates can send their CV and a cover letter detailing their fit for the position via email to [email protected] (sangiole at imperial dot ac dot uk).