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Postdoc position: Atomistic Modeling of Condens ... (No replies)

4 years ago
dekoning 4 years ago

Postdoc position for the study of water’s condensed phases using atomistic simulation techniques at the Gleb Wataghin Institute of Physics. The Computational Modeling of Condensed Matter group at the Gleb Wataghin Institute of Physics (State University of Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil) is searching for a Postdoctoral researcher to carry out both classical and DFT-based molecular dynamics simulations of condensed phases of water, considering in particular ice Ih and the supercooled liquid. Among the topics of interest are the mechanical behavior of ice Ih and the role of crystal defects, sliding friction at grain boundaries and the viscosity of the supercooled liquid. The project involves calculations based on semi-empricial water models as well as DFT-based approaches.

The 2-year position should start in May 2020, and is renewable for 2 more years.

The deadline for the application is 03/10/2020.

The selected candidate will receive a FAPESP (Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo) postdoctoral grant in the amount of BRL 7373.10 per month, plus complimentary funding for research-related expenses. (Grant agreement 2016/23891-6)


Researcher’s expected profile:

  • Be highly motivated with a PhD in Physics or related areas.
  • Have a strong background (at least 5 years of experience) in atomistic simulation techniques, including DFT and classical molecular dynamics techniques. Experience should be evidenced by own publications in the field.
  • Have extensive experience with DFT codes such as VASP or QUANTUM ESPRESSO and molecular dynamics codes such as LAMMPS.
  • Be able to work independently and in a team and be fluent in English.

Interested candidates should contact Prof. Maurice de Koning at [email protected], supplying the following information. (1) a cover letter, (2) CV, and (3) contact information of at least 2 references.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials