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Postdoc position at Uppsala University - Decoher ... (No replies)
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There is an immediate opening of a
Postdoc position focused on including decoherence effects in Dynamical Mean Field Theory
at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University, Sweden. Starting date: Jan. -- Feb. 2020.
The position will be part of a research project headed by Dr. Patrik Thunström aimed at deriving and implementing many-body master equations, with a special focus on screening effects, in the framework of Dynamical Mean Field Theory (DMFT). The implementation will become a part of the Density Functional Theory+DMFT program package "Relativistic Spin-Polarized toolkit" (written in Fortran and C) and used for material calculations.
The applicant is expected to have a PhD degree in Physics, with a strong background in many-body quantum mechanics and good knowledge of solid-state physics or advanced quantum chemistry. Knowledge in coding and experience of software development is meriting. The application should include a statement of research interest (1-3 pages), CV, certificates of exams, degrees and grades, a copy of the PhD thesis, or equivalent, and a list of published articles.
Informal inquiring and applications (deadline Dec. 31, 2019) should be sent to: Patrik Thunström at [email protected]