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Postdoc position at University of Milano-Bicocca (No replies)

Emilio Scalise
3 years ago
Emilio Scalise 3 years ago

A 2-years postdoc position is available at the Department of Materials Science, University of Milano-Bicocca (Italy).
The ideal candidate holds a phd in Physics or Material Science and has expertise with one or more of the following approaches: ab initio modeling of semiconductor surfaces/interfaces and atomistic thermodynamics; atomistic simulation of nanostructures; first-principles study of vibrational and electronic properties of semiconductors.
The post-doc will work in a multimethodology team that employs also classical molecular dynamics, 3D dislocation dynamics, growth simulations based on phase-field methods, and elasticity theory solved by Finite Element Methods with a synergic approach, to solve problems ranging from atomistic to continuum scale.
The research focus will be the study of polymorphs of the group-IV alloys which may favor the integration of materials with superior optical and/or electronic properties on Si, thus enabling several novel applications and devices within the current silicon technology. Recently, light emission from direct band gap hexagonal SiGe has been reported by exploiting core/shell nanowires (Nature 580, 205, 2020). We have initially studied both the impact of extended defects on the electronic properties of SiGe and the driving force in the formation of the hexagonal phase ( In this contest, the postdoc will apply DFT and beyond-DFT methods to predict the best conditions for the stability of group IV polymorphs and study their electronic properties.
Candidates should send a CV (max 3 pages + publication list and a motivation letter, max 2 pages) to [email protected].

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials