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Postdoc position at UC Berkeley and Lawrence Ber ... (No replies)

5 years ago
bouyang 5 years ago

The group of Professor Gerbrand Ceder at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at UC Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory has postdoctoral positions available.

The Ceder group is involved in the development of materials theory and design of materials, using ab initio computation, machine learning, and experimental synthesis and characterization. Applications include energy capture, conversion, and storage. Our theory and modeling work is performed in close collaboration with our experimental group for synthesis and characterization of novel materials, leading to many opportunities for cross-fertilization. We give individuals the opportunity to collaborate on multiple internal and external projects, as well as supervise graduate students.  Many of our alumni have gone on to leading positions in academia and in the private sector. More information about our research group can be found at

We particularly value innovation and a passion to bridge fundamental scientific inquiry and high-impact applications. Our group offers candidates the opportunity to work in a highly interdisciplinary and dynamic environment. There are no citizenship restrictions. Starting dates are negotiable.  We ask those interested to send their curriculum vitae and references to [email protected].

  1. Computational Understanding and Discovery of Novel Materials for Energy Storage

Currently our research program focusses on novel Li-ion cathode materials, solid-state Li-ion conductors, and multi-valent insertion cathode materials.  The successful candidate will work in close collaboration with experimental colleagues by predicting novel materials, providing synthesis guidelines, and/or understanding experimental observations. The position requires:

- A strong background in solid state physics,
- Excellent practical knowledge of density-functional theory, molecular dynamics, and
- Good knowledge of thermodynamics, statistical mechanics, and diffusion theory.

Scientific programming skills and experience with electrochemical energy storage are a plus.

  1. Theory and Modeling to Predict Materials Properties, Phase stability, and Synthesis

The candidate will work on the development of novel methods for the prediction of materials properties and phase stability.  We are particularly interested in the prediction of phase stability and metastability. The position requires:

- Excellent knowledge of thermodynamics, statistical mechanics, and kinetics of materials, phase diagrams and computational approaches to compute phase stability.
- Good practical knowledge of density-functional theory, and
- Working knowledge of crystallography.

Experience in the modeling of surfaces and interfaces is a plus.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials