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Postdoc position at TU Delft - Simulation of mul ... (No replies)
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Postdoc position
Faculty/department: Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering
Level: PhD degree
Working hours: 38 hours per week
Contract: 2 years
Starting date: Summer 2018 (exact start date negotiable).
A postdoc position (2 years) is available in Summer 2018 in the group of Fritz Körmann at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Delft University of Technology.
The successful applicant will perform theoretical materials science research on concentrated multi-component alloys (high entropy alloys) employing first-principles calculations and related atomistic simulation techniques in the research group of Fritz Körmann. A main objective is to model, explore and optimize materials properties of multiple principal component alloys through computer simulations. The exact research topic can depend on the background and research interest of the successful applicant.
PhD degree in theoretical or computational physics, chemistry, material science or corresponding fields. The ideal candidate should have prior experience in one of the following areas: application of DFT for alloy design (such as cluster expansion, AIMD, etc.), developing efficient ab initio based coarse graining methods (interatomic potentials, machine learning, etc.), or experience in employing embedded atom potentials with molecular dynamics software (LAMMPS, simulation of dislocations, etc.).
Applications should include: a letter of motivation, a detailed CV including publication list, summary of academic record or research experience, abstract of PhD thesis (1 page), preferred starting date, proof of English language skills (if applicable), and names of three references. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis until the position is filled. For the application procedure and further information about the excellent benefits of employment at TU Delft please visit:
For more information about the position, please contact Fritz Körmann directly [email protected]